Jun 14, 2011

Weekend Recipe -- Mini Carrot Cakes

⤿ Since this was a long weekend, I figured I would have more time to find a recipe. I wasn't sure what to make: I had a craving for raspberries, but also for chocolate, and I didn't want to make a loaf of raspberry- only bread. I wanted to add chocolate, but I also knew it wouldn't come out looking that great with the chocolate hemorrhaging all over the raspberries. And white chocolate, which would have looked better, suddenly didn't appeal to me a whole lot (and I'm not sure I'm allowed to eat it*). What I had a lot of in the fridge was carrots, and my mother had never had carrot cake. Plus I could always add chocolate chips to the mix. That was a win-win: my chocolate cravings would be satisfied, and I might make my mother change her mind about carrots in desserts. 

⤿ I chose to make several little cakes because they're cuter and easier to eat and you don't need a knife. I'm bad with knives. I can't cut straight, and I end up messing up my cakes more often than not. Without further ado, here's the carrot cake recipe. 

✻ Mini Carrot Cakes 
Makes 5 small pie-sized and 8 or 9 cannelés-sized cakes

➵ Ingredients

- 3/4 cup vegetable oil
- 2/3 cup brown sugar
- 2 eggs
- 1 cup flour
- 1 tsp baking soda
- 2 tsp cinnamon
- 1/3 tsp grated nutmeg
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 2 tsp vanilla extract
- 1/2 cup grated carrots
- 4 tablespoons praline
- a few squares of baking chocolate, 
cut up into small pieces

➵ Instructions

⤿ Grease and flour pans and preheat oven to 325°F (160°C).
⤿ Combine oil, sugar and eggs in a large bowl and beat well. 
⤿ Sift together the flour, baking soda, cinnamon and nutmeg. 
⤿ Add flour mixture to sugar mixture and mix well. Add vanilla extract. 
⤿ Fold in grated carrots, praline and chocolate, without over-stirring.
⤿ Pour into pans. 
⤿ Bake for 20-25 minutes if you used tart pans and 15 if you used cannelé pans, or until a toothpick inserted into the cakes comes out clean. 
⤿ I made two extra mini cakes for Brent who gets here on Thursday after a three-flight adventure. I'm a little jealous that he gets to fly to Reykjavik; I'm sure the descent into Reykjavik is worth it. In anticipation of his arrival, I listened to his old band's demo over the weekend.

⤷  Enjoy with a good cup of coffee to complement the cinnamon and chocolate taste. 

* I've been on a diet for three weeks now. It can be frustrating at times, even  though the diet my nutritionist put me on isn't strict at all. I just have to weigh my food and I still get to eat 3 squares of dark chocolate a day! Mornings are tougher because 30 grams of bread doesn't get you too far. I'm lucky that she allowed me to bake once a week provided I stick to my habit of using less sugar.


  1. these little guys look like the perfect size! perfect with coffee, like you said.

  2. J'espère pour lui que le temps sera dégagé sur l'Islande, car en général, la descente sur Keflavik est nulle : on ne fait que traverser d'énormes couches de nuages et on ne voit rien avant de voir le sol a 10 mètres... Héhé ! Mais s'il fait beau quand il en repartira, il verra peut-être le plus gros glacier d'Islande : le Vatnajokull. (ouais, c'est pas le paradis de niveau météo ce pays :p )

  3. Jacqueline -- they really were! I wanted them to be flatter because I'd seen chocolate cake baked in mini tart pans and they were irresistible, but I don't know enough about baking to achieve that result.

    Helo -- des nuages, c'est pas si mal que ça... J'espère qu'il verra le glacier.

  4. Ouais mais quand pour atterrir tu traverses 10 énormes couches grises, ça n'a pas grand intérêt :) Quand tu es au-dessus, ouais là c'est super beau je suis d'accord. Ce que je voulais dire c'est qu'il est rare de pouvoir avoir un aperçu de l'Islande en y arrivant (ou en la quittant) en avion à cause des conditions nuageuses :)

  5. Replies
    1. I made this carrot cake today and they were the best EVER!!!!!!! I don't think I will be making them again anytime soon because I will be 500 lbs!
