Feb 29, 2012

One Photo Post {5}


Canon AE1 // Ektar

Love looking at them, can't take care of them and keep them alive. That's my plight. The plant on the right is already dead, or is dying a slow death, we're not sure which. I love looking at this shot taken when it was still in its prime. It was a beautiful cactus. Tiny, but beautiful. It looks good next to its friend.

I'm in a creative slump. I honestly love my latest plant shots. I love the tones and the focus, but I'm so bored of my usual subjects. I want to go out and shoot, but I don't know what, or whom. The shitty weather doesn't help either. I want to take more portraits, but I'm too shy to ask. I need to give myself a good kick in the butt. Tomorrow, I'm taking a day trip to the coast and hopefully, that will motivate me to act, to do something. 


  1. Lovely picture, poor poor plant :)

  2. idem: j'adore les succulents mais n'arrive pas à les garder en vie.
    la seule plante qui résiste même avec moi c'est le lierre.

    je sais ce que tu ressens: ce besoin de créer mais le manque de sujet et surtout en ce qui me concerne: le manque de temps....
